Preparing Today's Child for Tomorrow's World


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We believe in the research that shows that active music making has been shown to help children to succeed in school and life. We begin piano and violin lessons at age 3 to 4 years old depending upon the child’s readiness to sit for a private lesson and practice at home. Each child learns at his/her own rate, building on the small steps so that each step can be mastered.  At the end of the school year, each child has the opportunity to participate in a recital held for their families.


This class is structured so that our students begin with a brief warm-up, to touch all the muscle groups, then they move on to the circuit which include mats, vault, trampoline, bars and the balance beam. This program gives our budding gymnasts focus, coordination, strength, discipline and lots of fun.

Enrichment Programs


We believe that our most valuable skills, including creative ability, aesthetic judgment, problem posing and solving, critical thinking and visualization, are uniquely fostered by art instruction.  Countless studies prove that art education not only develops the right side of the brain (responsible for all imaging and visualizing aspects of learning), it also develops neural body-brain connections, crucial if children are to realize their full potential in all areas of study including math, reading, language, science and writing.


For preschool age children movement, music and dance can be natural tools for learning as well as expressing.  Influential psychologists and educators like Piaget and Montessori agree that a planned developmental program in movement should be part of every child’s education. This class has it all movement, music and dance.


Researchers have found that active music making during the school years can strengthen abstract reasoning skills, paving the way to better results in school. Our instructor believes that a child learning an instrument should be met with sincere praise and encouragement, and that the lessons should be a fun experience.  At the end of the school year, each child has the opportunity to participate in a recital held for their families.


The emphasis in our Karate class is on confidence, developed by learning control of the body and mind, and learning never to be offensive or abusive; coordination, by developing physical strength and flexibility; discipline, by learning to respect others; and on having fun.