Preparing Today's Child for Tomorrow's World
Children’s House Montessori School - East Boca parent involvement through PAC (Parent Advisory Committee) plays a very important role in the school. Listed below are many of the projects and activities sponsored by PAC.
The Gardening Committee coordinates volunteers to work on Peace Garden projects like planting, weeding, pruning, mulching, etc. They also head up the Gift Brick fundraiser. Once a year parents are given the opportunity to order bricks. These special bricks are engraved with the student’s name, a date or a message. Then they are placed in the Peace Garden celebrating the child’s time at Children’s House Montessori School - East Boca. They become a legacy for the children. The gardening committee also works with the teachers on children’s gardening projects. The children plant the gardens at the back of the playgrounds with vegetables, herbs and plants that attract butterflies. The children love to plant and care for their garden as it grows.
End of the Year Picnic is held at the end of May. It is a celebration of the wonderful school year. Children’s House Montessori School - East Boca families gather at a local park for a picnic, games and other fun activities planned by this committee and other parent volunteers. This is traditionally one of the most well attended, fun events for the whole family.
Sally Foster Fundraiser is held at the beginning of each year to kick off the fundraising for the school year. Sally Foster is a gift wraps and gift catalog that gives 50% of the sales back to the school. It is a great way to stock up on your wrapping paper for the year and support the school.
Teacher Wish Lists are funded by PAC to enable our creative teachers to plan special projects for their classes at their discretion.
Pizza Friday is a treat for the kids, a chance for Mom to take a break from lunch making, and a fundraiser for PAC. Each Friday we order cheese pizza and provide juice and a healthy side dish (fruits or vegetables) for those children who stay for lunch on Friday and are interested in participating. The co-chairs coordinate the pizza and snacks and other parents can volunteer to help serve the children pizza. It’s a great way to be involved in the classroom and get to know your child’s friends.
Art from the Heart is the fundraising event that puts the children’s beautiful artistic creations up for auction at a wonderful social evening for parents and friends. The children create the works of art in class with their classmates and with parents who volunteer to help. There are also donated items and services from teachers and parents and outside individuals. The proceeds go to the Children’s House Montessori School - East Boca Scholarship Fund and to the other important activities and events on this list that enrich and enhance our program.
The Children’s House Scholarship Fund is in place to help current families who may unexpectedly be having hard times and need a little help to keep their child in Children’s House. We can all appreciate that emergencies may arise, but it is important to help provide continuity and security to a child by helping them to remain in a familiar and loving environment while the family may be dealing with economic issues. PAC contributes to this fund each year with a portion of the proceeds from Art from the Heart.
The Children’s House-North Boca Scholarship Fund is in place to help current families who may unexpectedly be having hard times and need a little help to keep their child in Children’s House-North Boca. We can all appreciate that emergencies may arise, but it is important to help provide continuity and security to a child by helping them to remain in a familiar and loving environment while the family may be dealing with economic issues. PAC contributes to this fund each year with a portion of the proceeds from Art Matters.
Teacher Appreciation Luncheon is held to show our incredible teachers how much we appreciate the time, love, care and positive learning experience they give to our children. A lovely lunch is provided with gifts of appreciation. It is a small token of appreciation for what they do for our children.
East Boca Raton
Children’s House Montessori School - North Boca’s parent involvement through PAC (Parent Advisory Committee) plays a very im portant role in the school. PAC participates in various projects such as our annual “Art Matters Silent Auction”, fundraising, cultural and social events, parent reading involvement, etc.
The Gardening Committee coordinates volunteers to work on Butterfly & Herb Garden Projects like planting, weeding, pruning, mulching, etc. Our garden is located at the back of the small playground were the children learn to plant vegetables, herbs and plants that attract butterflies. The butterfly and herb garden is one of the most appealing spots for the children to plant and care for their garden and study the life cycle of the butterfly while enjoying the butterflies dancing around them. The gardening committee works with the teachers on children’s gardening projects.
Fall Festival is a fair for the children. It is a wonderful celebration of fall. A committee of parents enlist other parent volunteers to help plan and execute this very popular event. Included in the day’s activities are craft tables, T-shirt decorating, face painting, games, storyteller, a fun snack, etc. The children love this event!
Teacher Appreciation Luncheon is held to show our incredible teachers how much we appreciate the time, love, care and positive learning experience they give to our children. A lovely lunch is provided with gifts of appreciation. It is a small token of appreciation for what they do for our children.
North Boca Raton
Art Matters Silent Auction is a project which involves many parents who work tirelessly to bring about a memorable annual event. The students are involved in the process with the help of the parents to produce fabulous works of art for the Auction. There are also donated items and services from teachers, parents and outside individuals and businesses. The proceeds go to the Children’s House Montessori School – North Boca Scholarship Fund and to the other important activities and events on this list that enrich and enhance our program. This evening is an adult oriented gala event!
Teachers Training and Conferences is continuing education training held on an annual basis to update and introduce our teachers to new methods in their field. This is important to keep our classrooms dynamic and filled with new and fresh ideas that fan the flame of learning for the children.
The Spring Festival is celebrated every spring with food, face painting, dancing, and lots of bubbles! It's a fun-filled day of crafting, games, and great times for everyone. This is the event of the year for the children!
The parents of our children are our partners and we strive to develop a close working relationship with them. We find many ways to work together in our common purposes for the children. Children’s House Montessori School welcomes parents with open heart to participate in school events and activities. Working hand in hand strengthens the bridge between the parents and the school. A parent Advisory Committee (PAC) involves all parents in programs and activities designed to enhance the curriculum and maintain a margin of excellence for the school.
Parental Involvement
The Hospitality Committee plans activities and events for the whole family. Some of these include our monthly Coffee & Conversation at drop-off, Play Dates in the Park, the Holiday Parade, Mom’s Night Out, and Family Day at different places, such as the Palm Beach Zoo, Parent’s night out at a movie and/or restaurant, etc. These events are important to help the parents to get to know one another and form friendships.
Room Moms/Dads work with the classroom teachers to plan arts and craft projects for holidays or to compliment special units the classes are studying. The room moms coordinate volunteer parents to help with these projects. Room mom/dads also coordinate the volunteer snack program.